Manuscript Preparation Grants Program

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 Call for Proposals

Manuscript Preparation Grants

*Template updated 12/05/2024. Open the template in the Word desktop app for best results. Remove text in red prior to saving as a pdf.

Program Description

This program provides up to $2,500 to assist with manuscript preparation and publication. Allowable costs include indexing, licensing fees for copyrighted materials, page charges, figure preparation, and open-access fees. Professional editing costs for books (but not journal papers) is also supported.

The eligibility restrictions and evaluation criteria below are intended to support a broad range of publication types while directing finite funds to activities producing the greatest impact.


  • Program is open to all non-student employees with formal appointments to the university. This includes staff, research associates, tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure track faculty.
  • An individual may receive up to one award in any 12-month period.
  • Members of the review committee* are eligible to apply to the program, but must recuse themselves from the review of their own application.

Deadline, Notification, and Duration

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Award notifications are made within 30 days of receipt. Funding is available for a 12-month period following the award date.

Lawn in front of large brick building


Proposals are reviewed by a committee of the Research and Creative Activities Council who submit their recommendations to the Vice Provost for Research for approval.

Proposals are evaluated based on:

  • Demonstrated likelihood of publication
  • For journal articles: the publisher employs a robust peer-review selection process.*
  • For books: the publisher is a recognized academic or commercial imprint. Costs associated with “selfpublished” books are not normally supported by this program unless the author can provide a strong academic or professional rationale.
  • Likely impact on discipline/students/community
  • Opportunity for advancing the professional scholarship of the applicant

*A journal is considered to be peer-reviewed if it is designated as such in the Ulrichsweb database (accessible online through Western Libraries) or is otherwise considered to meet professional editorial standards for the field.

Note: Proposals are evaluated by desk review during the summer quarter.

Trees in front of brick building



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Using the required proposal template complete all required components as one pdf file, attached to the application eSign form and submit to your Department Chair.

Proposals should not exceed 4 pages as follows:

  1. Proposal narrative. The proposal narrative is limited to one page and must include the header table provided in the template (applicant name, collaborators, Department, Proposal Title, Date submitted) and a discussion under each of the following headings: Proposal Narrative, Anticipated Outcomes, Likelihood of success, Impact). 


  2. Project budget. The project budget is limited to one page and use the table/template provided to discuss any unmet project costs. 


  3. Curriculum Vitae. Your CV is limited to 2 pages and must include the following elements:
  • Professional Preparation: A list of the individual's undergraduate and graduate education and postdoctoral training as indicated below:
  • Undergraduate Institution(s) Major Degree & Year
  • Graduate Institution(s) Major Degree & Year
  • Postdoctoral Institution(s) Area Inclusive Dates (years)
  • Appointments: List in reverse chronological order all of your academic/professional appointments beginning with the current appointment
  • Publications/Scholarly/Creative Activities: Please list of up to five publications/scholarly/creative activities most closely related to the proposed project; and up to five other significant publications, whether or not related to the proposed project.


Department Chairs should review the application, complete the comment section, and approve the application onto RSP at 

If the chair is the applicant, they should send their eSign form to their College Dean, who will review the application and complete the comments section.


Proposals are accepted any time and reviewed on rolling basis. RSP strives to notify applicants of a funding decision within 30 days of receiving an application.