Funding Opportunities

When RSP staff finds new or unique funding opportunities, we make every effort to alert appropriate department chairs and faculty.  We recommend, however, that Western researchers become familiar with the resources below to find the most up-to-date funding opportunities related to their research.

Subscription databases accessible via WWU universal account

Grant Forward logo

GrantForward is a search engine that contains information from more than 12,000 federal, state, and international funding sources.  Your WWU email will gain you free, unlimited access.  You can create a profile and save your search to build your personalized portfolio of grant opportunities. logo is a system designed to help grant seekers both find and apply for federal funding from the 26 primary federal agencies. Once you create an account, add a profile and associate it with WWU, you can search for grants, create a proposal workspace and complete your application.

Foundation Directory Online logo

Foundation Directory Online (FDO) manages funding opportunities from over 166,0000 U.S. Foundations. FDO may be accessed in full through the Western Libraries Databases.  Funder profiles include interactive maps, charts, and key funder details to help you identify appropriate funding sources. 

Internal Funding Opportunities

RSP administers a range of internal grant programs supporting research creative expression and scholarly activities, for both faculty and students.

Faculty RSP Grant Programs

The Faculty Summer Teaching Grants Program provides faculty summer salary to engage in projects with the potential to significantly enhance instruction at the graduate or undergraduate level. A subcommittee of the Research and Creative Activities Council reviews proposals and makes funding recommendations to the Vice Provost for Research. For additional details please refer to the Summer Teaching Grant Request for Proposals.

The following are examples of some recent successful proposals:

The Faculty Summer Research and Creative Activities Grants Program provides faculty summer salary to engage in projects with potential to result significantly advance their professional development and field of research, scholarly or creative work. Applications are reviewed by the Faculty Summer Research and Creative Activities Grants Committee, which makes funding recommendations to the Vice Provost for Research. For additional details please refer to the Summer Research and Creative Activities Grant Request for Proposals.

The following are examples of some recent successful proposals:

This program provides funding to engage in projects that advance the recipient’s professional development and field of research, scholarly or creative work. Funds may be used for supplies, equipment, research-related travel, performances, exhibitions, displays and similar creative activities, as well as other necessary expenses. For additional details please refer to the Mini Grant Request for Proposals.

This program funding to assist with manuscript preparation and publication. Allowable costs include indexing, licensing fees for copyrighted materials, page charges, figure preparation, and open-access fees. Professional editing costs for books (but not journal papers) is also supported. For additional details please refer to the Manuscript Preparation Grant Request for Proposals.

This goal of this program is to help seed projects with potential to open new long-term directions for research, creative expression or scholarship at Western Washington University (WWU). Pilot Project Grants (PPG’s) are intended to enrich and expand WWU’s portfolio of scholarly and creative programs by stimulating the pursuit of opportunities representing new lines of inquiry for the principal investigator (PI), that are of high value to the discipline, and that are expected to have long-lasting impact. The program is designed to allow applicants from all disciplines the opportunity to compete successfully, even if their discipline is not traditionally connected to sponsored research. Thus, PPG’s need not necessarily aim at producing extramural funding, though they may do so. For details, please see the Pilot Project Grant Request for Proposals

The New Initiatives Fund (NIF) provides funding to support efforts at securing external funding for new cross-cutting initiatives.  The program provides teaching release, salary, and other support to help individuals and small teams pursue major opportunities where the effort is concentrated but the benefits would be widespread. For details see the New Initiatives Fund Request for Proposals.

The Fraser Endowment for Equipment for the Sciences is one of six endowments generously established by a gift from the estate of Gordon H. and Alice C. Fraser. As the endowment agreement describes, “The sciences have a constant need for specialized equipment or literature to maintain their training and support programs beyond that which would be provided from the State. The Trustors desire that endowment distributions be used for this purpose.” The following describes how endowment revenue will be allocated for equipment. For details see the Fraser Endowment Request for Proposals.

Western Innovation Training Fellowships provide a full-time graduate/undergraduate summer stipend as well as funding for one year of research costs, combined with structured training for Fellows and their faculty Mentors in solution-focused innovation, technology commercialization and STEM entrepreneurship. The goals of the program, which is funded by a grant from the Washington Research Foundation, are to support new scientific discoveries, build institutional capacity for accelerating translation of the products of Western research into practice, and inclusively expand student engagement in research. For details see the Western Innovation Training Fellowship Request for Proposals.

Student RSP Grant Programs

The Undergraduate Research and Creative Opportunities Grant Program provides undergraduates with funding to engage in research, scholarly and creative work that has the potential to significantly impact the student’s educational goals. See the Undergraduate Research and Creative Opportunities Grant Call for Proposals for more information.

The Graduate Research and Creative Opportunities Grant Program provides graduate students with funding to engage in research, scholarly and creative work that has the potential to significantly impact the student’s educational goals. See the Call for Proposals for more information.

Limited-Submission Extramural Programs

These programs restrict the number of annual submissions allowed per institution. For full consideration faculty should submit pre-proposals to RSP by the deadline for internal review and selection. Pre-proposals received after the deadline will be considered on a space-available basis.

  • NEH Summer Fellowships
  • Keck Foundation Scientific Research Grant
  • National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI) 
  • Murdock Scientific Research Instrumentation Grant

Other WWU Grant Programs

There are also other funding opportunities across the university that are managed by different offices. Below is a list of some of the programs available. Contact the managing offices directly with any questions.

For Faculty

For Students